Thursday, April 23, 2009

An Auschwitz Survivor

I thought it was great how he got to see his father again and that they both survived.  I thought it was horrible how people were burned alive and how he never saw his mother or sister ever again.  I also that it was great that he married a woman not long after his release and also that he has a daughter.


I think this is a very appropriate analogy to make about gossip. Gossip is bad things about people that someone starts and gets around as fast as a bullet gets to its target. If you are the generator of the gossip you will lose your friends and will make yourself disliked by everybody. If you are the one the gossip is about people may start to see you in a bad way and people will think that what the gossip said is always true about you. I would have told the girl to say sorry to the boy and never do it again.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Lenten Progress

For lent I have decided to give up snacks and so far I've been doing pretty good but every now and I forget and have something to eat between meals. It hasent brought me any closer to God but I really hope it does because I really want to be a better Catholic. I also want to give up snacks for lent so that I might lose some weight. If I do have a snack it will be yogurt, fruit, or vegetables. When I have something for dessert I'll have something that isn't one of my favorite things to eat so I won't have alot.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Future Career

I want to become an electrician when I grow up because when I was in eight grade I went on a field trip to Expo Gardens where they let us try various things one of which was connecting wires to make a lightbulb work.  That and finding out that you just had to go to an Electrician Apprenticeship College for five years, don't have to go to college, pays forty dollars an hour, and that I would be helping people is what really made me realize I wanted to become an electrician.  I have an uncle who is an electrician who also made me want to be an electrician.  I think that I will definitely be able to become an electrician.

Service Project

I am currently doing Meals On Wheels with my dad.  We deliver meals to seniors in apartment buildings because they can't go out and get their own meals.  My dad has been doing it for years and introduced me to it when I became a Freshman.  My goal is to complete at least twenty-five hours.  I really like the people I deliver the meals to because their very nice and they don't get mad if I do something wrong.  By doing this I am providing seniors with food where they would otherwise not get food.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey was an American radio broadcaster for the ABC radio networks.  He broadcasted News and Comment on weekday mornings and mid-days, and at noon on Saturdays as well as his famous The Rest of the Story segments.  His career was at its high point when he began broadcasting in June 1944 in Chicago on the ABC affiliate WENR.  He became the most popular newscaster in Chicago.  He was named Salesman of the Year, Commentator of the Year, Person of the Year, Father of the Year, and American of the Year.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

GarageBand Podcast

I am going to do the script on Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.  So far I have typed the script and am going to record it tomorrow.  I had trouble picking out the parts of the summary of the movie I wanted in my script.  For the music I am going to try to go with the Indiana Jones theme.  

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Iphoto Name Assignment

I really like this project because I get to make a lame image look really cool.  I think this project will be really easy because I just have to find images on the internet or take pictures and put them on iphoto.  I will probably be able to find pictures really easily because I think that it is really easy to find pictures that would look like the letters in my name.

SOHO's Uninterrupted View of the Sun

2005: Launched ten years ago this week SOHO still enjoys an uninterrupted view of the Sun.  Twelve sun gazing instruments on board the space craft have explored the Sun's internal structure, the extensive solar atmosphere and solar wind, and discovered over 1,000 comets from a remarkable orbit around a point about 1.5 million kilometers directly sunward of planet Earth itself.  At that location, known as a Lagrange point, the gravitational influence of the Earth and Sun are equal.  With scientific instrument teams distributed around the world, the SOHO operations center is located at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Maryland.  Mission operations are planned through March of 2007 to allow the study of a complete 11-year-solar cycle.  I chose this image because I thought it was really cool how they had so many different things in one picture and I also thought it was cool how that was the view that SOHO had of the Sun.

Powerpoint Environment Project

It was very hard to find enough pictures for my slides and it was also hard to find information on new automobile technology because not that many people know about it so there isn't that much of it on the internet.  I decided to do mine on transforming automobile technology because I wanted to find out what new automobile technology we have and I wanted to tell people about it.

The Media is Making Reports on Bad Things Athletes have Done

I do not believe the media has gone too far in making reports on athletes because the public deserves to know what they are doing because we look to them for entertainment and they inspire us.  I think that if professional athletes want to enhance their performance they should train and workout more and not take steroids and I also think they should not take drugs to feel good but should instead maybe take a vacation to get away from all the stress.  I also think that if athletes don't want everyone to know what their doing they should do it in their own house.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Plant and Animal Cells

      In biology we are studying plant and animal cells.  I think animal cells are very complex because they are all used to help a living thing find food and defend itself and mate.  I think plant cells aren't that complex because all they're used for is making food for the plant and obsorbing sunlight and water.

The Current Housing Crisis

      I think that the foreclosure process is unfair because people should be given more time to pay for their mortgage.  I think people should have help with getting a place to stay if they lose their home because of mortgage.  I think the government should help people find homes or help them keep their homes.  I would turn to my parents if I was going to lose my house because they would let me stay at their house.  

Sunday, January 25, 2009

District 150 is closing Woodruff

I think that District 150 is making a big mistake in deciding to close Woodruff Highschool. I think thatthey shoul instead close Central Highschool because its older than Woodruff and is more rundown. It would also be better if they didn't close either of them because all of the kids in both of the schools have to go to one school and it will be a lot harder to do the classes for all the students and they might even have to have school at night and on weekends.

The Inauguration

I think that the new president will be better than the last one because President Bush was more concerned about the Department of Defense and President Obama went to the Department of State first. I would like the new president more if he was pro-life instead of pro-choice and Ihope pray that he will change his view of abortion. He made Hillary Clinton the Secretary of State and Ithink she will do a very good job.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Winners at the Golden Globe Awards

Heath Ledger was honored with a Golden Globe, and Kate Winslet came away with two.  "Slumdog Millionaire" took top honors, four awards including best drama.  The movie knocked off best-drama nominees including Brad Pitt's "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button," Winslet and Leonardo Dicaprio's "Revolutionary Road" and Ron Howard's "Frost/Nixon".  Best Screenplay and musical score prizes also went to "Slumdog Millionaire".  "Benjamin Button," Frost/Nixon" and Meryl Streep's all tied for the lead with five nominations and all went away empty handed.  Woody Allen's Spanish romance "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" for best musical or comedy film.  Sally Hawkins was chosen best actress in a comedy or musical as an eternal optimist in "Happy-Go-Lucky."  Colin Farrell took the comedy of musical actor prize as a hit man in "In Bruges."